1. L. Cai, Y. Fan, Top Degree Ext-groups and relatively supercuspidal spectra. Adv. Math. 410 (2022), part A, Paper No. 108744, 25 pp.
2. L. Cai, Y. Fan, Higher Ext-groups in the triple product case. Math. Res. Lett. Vol.30 (2023), no.1, 33-49
3. L. Cai, Y. Fan, Families of canonical local periods on spherical varieties. Math. Ann. 389, 209–252 (2024)
4. L. Cai, Y. Fan, Multiplicities of representations in algebraic families, To appear in Comptes Rendus-Serie Mathematique
5. L. Cai, Y. Fan, Y. Jiang, Ichino periods for CM forms. To appear in J. Number Theory